English Nederlands

The carps

New carps in 2013

In januari 2013, 11 beautifull carps have been added. Many thanks for this donation from Jan Willem and Arend. All carps have been measured and weighted. You can check them out all 11 at THIS page.
Who will catch these?

77 more carps in 2011

In 2011, 13 more carps have been added.
For those people how want a reasonable chance of catching something, a total of 77 French carps have been added in january 2012. We ordered mirror carp with Hongarian blood fom 1 tot 5 kilo. With these additional carps we created an interesting mix of grass-, scale- and mirror carps. Beside of carps you may also catch tench by surprise.
Download here the 8 pages PDF with pictures of all 77 French carps.

Fishing story

We arrived at sunday with reasonable weather. We started directly our feeding campagne and started setting op our gear. We made a slow start, but as soon we managed to lure the carps to our spot, it changed into hard work. I cought some nice fish. The most heavy one, was a scale of 25 pound.
In total I had one mirror and eight scale and some lost. Jan, you are a super host of the Carp Pit. I received a newspaper every day and at the last day a piece of delicious fried fish. Jan, I had a top week and we had a lot of laughter.
Not to mention the sandwich with meat ball [ha ha]. Again, many thanks for the cozy week. I will recommend carp fisher I know, to book a weekend or week to try carp fishing at the Carp Pit of Ammerstol.

Greetings Hans

Your story on this website?

Your story with tips and anecdotes are very much welcome. We do our utmost best to create a quiet natural place for lost of fisching pleasure. We allways like to know how you experienced your stay at the pit. The designated place to leave a message is our guestbook on this website. To ensure that you can leave a complete story, the meassge limit has been increased to a muxumum of 4000 characters. You may type your text first in a text processor like Microsoft Word so you can check the amount of characters. If you Copy/Paste more than 4000 characters, the screen will refresh and nothing happens. (sorry)
We look forward to read your stories. Click here for the guestbook.